The best way to present the S-Builder co-op is to show the advantages it has over other co-ops. It should be understood that co-ops are used to spread the cost of advertising among members in lieu of shares based on participation. Members do not necessary receive equal shares but the idea is that the buying power of many can be leveraged to help those who otherwise would not be able to participate. Accordingly, paid advertising is the most responsive form of advertising and since most affiliates are cash strapped they can benefit from the buying power of the co-op since costs for ads are generally kept at a minimum.
So 1 advantage that the S-Builder has over any other ECA co-op is that the cost per share is going to remain $22/share for SFI affiliates who are W3 participants. Because the cost per share is usually controlled by how many participants there are in the co-op, other ECA co-ops may go up in cost per share. Not so, with the S-builder. Moreover, advertising platforms may change pricing and therefore cause an increase in share price. This is possible with the S-Builder but because SFI is so large any affiliate can leverage the buying power of the many which keeps ad costs a flat rate.
Finally, it should be noted that not only does the flat rate of the S-Builder co-op keep the cost of advertising low but also affiliates leverage low cost to grow their network business with minimal effort. There is no need to worry about monitoring ads, placing ads, negotiating costs, and all of the 1001 things that have to be done to run a successful promotion. Just must a minimal investment and watch your business grow practically on auto-pilot! The S-builder removes a lot of the guess work and hard work so affiliates can spend time on other aspects of the business and get more time freedom. The S-builder saves affiliates time and money and it is a power tool that packs a powerful punch!
The best way to present the S-Builder co-op is to show the advantages it has over other co-ops. It should be understood that co-ops are used to spread the cost of advertising among members in lieu of shares based on participation. Members do not necessary receive equal shares but the idea is that the buying power of many can be leveraged to help those who otherwise would not be able to participate. Accordingly, paid advertising is the most responsive form of advertising and since most affiliates ...more