It would be a good idea to re-assign your PSA/CSA to someone of their own country, if only there seems to be a language barrier. The country sponsor/co-sponsor can explain in detail and more clearly using local metaphores etc.
last week I had a local affiliate ask me how I managed to achieve BTL status and if I could help him through as he is new at SFI. his English was also not very good so I had to explain to him in the local dialect (Sinhala).
Well, some would suggest using google translator, but at time the meaning or idea you want to get across is not what come out through the translator.
So yes, I would say its a good idea. Sometimes this PSA would be grateful and maybe shop at your ECA and recommend your stores to his/her a2a friends and family.
It would be a good idea to re-assign your PSA/CSA to someone of their own country, if only there seems to be a language barrier. The country sponsor/co-sponsor can explain in detail and more clearly using local metaphores etc.
last week I had a local affiliate ask me how I managed to achieve BTL status and if I could help him through as he is new at SFI. his English was also not very good so I had to explain to him in the local dialect (Sinhala).