Reassign your PSAs to someone in their own country?
Yes and no.
YES if you have enough PSAs as your movers at first generation downline. Let us say that you have 5 or 6 frontliner workers downline. Re assign to them if the affiliates subject for re assignment has 600 VP or more for three months. Re-assignment makes your downline whom receive re assign affiliates encourage more to work hard building their SF I business. Re assign affiliates to the most deserving one. There is a possibilities also that you can't guide/assist all of them if they need you if they are more than 6.
NO; If you don't have other PSAs who are workers/movers. You need PSAs for your first generation because, if you can help them build their network stronger, you can earn more from them both on VPs and commissions.
Reassign your PSAs to someone in their own country?
Yes and no.
YES if you have enough PSAs as your movers at first generation downline. Let us say that you have 5 or 6 frontliner workers downline. Re assign to them if the affiliates subject for re assignment has 600 VP or more for three months. Re-assignment makes your downline whom receive re assign affiliates encourage more to work hard building their SF I business. Re assign affiliates to the most deserving one. There ...more