it s a great question.
i agree with you, that's what happened for most of affiliats.
sometimes the sponsor or the co sponsor may be anew and just learning the busniss.
if you have this probleme you should never give up and :
1. ask SC: it becomes a data base of information about everything that face affilates . you can search by topic or by term.
2. go to the SFI suport and search your need.
3. go to your uline who has leadership experience more .
4. go to the forum and ask for help , there is a ton of posts about most everything you will encounter in SFI.
5. go to the a2a and ask freinds in your country by your pimary language.
and remember success in SFI does not depend on the sponsor but on the actions the affiliates takes.
it s a great question.
i agree with you, that's what happened for most of affiliats.
sometimes the sponsor or the co sponsor may be anew and just learning the busniss.
if you have this probleme you should never give up and :
1. ask SC: it becomes a data base of information about everything that face affilates . you can search by topic or by term.
2. go to the SFI suport and search your need.
3. go to your uline who has leadership experience more .
4. ...more