My take…? Never expect anyone to help you. This way, you will not get disappointed if no one came to your aid.
1. Because this is your business…not anybody else’s
2. Your success never depend on anyone but YOU
3. Yes, you were assigned a Sponsor or Co-Sponsor…but they might also be busy with their own business and other things. If they happen to have time and assisted you, fine…thank them for their time and be appreciative of any help from them, but never oblige them to give you much attention. You are not their only downline…they have other downlines, who may happen to be more active and who knows…
Never WORK or QUIT because of your Sponsor. Every decision that we make is solely our own, not because someone else gave us the reason to do so. I signed up here never expecting someone to help me. I didn’t even know that I would be assigned a Sponsor or Co-Sponsor or that I would have an upline team to help me out. I just read and understand all the trainings that were made available for all Affiliates to consume. Everything is there for the picking…we just have to chew and swallow everything to succeed here at SFI.
If your Sponsor is irresponsive…just show him/her that you are worth their attention and you will be surprised that all of a sudden, all your upline team support are all eyes on you. Sometimes, we expect others to help us while we are doing NOTHING. Always put in mind that if you want to earn something, you have to work hard for it. There’s no such thing as “overnight success”. And remember, there is always a reason for everything.
We still have all the SFI Trainings (LAUNCHPAD Lessons, SFI Basics, all those tabs in your To-Do-List, etc.), the a2a, FAQ, the Forum and other sources to help us. If you have budget and you love to read, subscribe to IAHBE…there’s a pool of information there that could help you a lot. You can even set it as your Standing Order (SO) to earn you EA status month after month. Use your ability. Have your own connections and one day success will be yours.
And when you have your own downline team, don’t let them feel how you felt when you were just starting. If you can afford to spend some moments guiding them, do it with all your heart and you will be blessed more. That’s all I’ve got to say and again, NEVER DEPEND ON or BLAME ANYONE for achieving SUCCESS…it all DEPENDS ON YOU!!! Keep smiling… ;-)
My take…? Never expect anyone to help you. This way, you will not get disappointed if no one came to your aid.
1. Because this is your business…not anybody else’s
2. Your success never depend on anyone but YOU
3. Yes, you were assigned a Sponsor or Co-Sponsor…but they might also be busy with their own business and other things. If they happen to have time and assisted you, fine…thank them for their time and be appreciative of any help from them, but never