They know that they must jave patience to read, understand, follow, and observe the results of they have done according to their comprehension and imterpretation;
They know that they cannot do alone, so they do know when and who to consult, and they do follow; they don't rush; instead have the diligence and persistence to do one step at a time and they do master the steps and systems before sharing anything in order to have a concrete proof of credibility; and
Most of all, they do know how to share and duplicate. It is a fact that you alone cannot do all things to succeed at the rate you are aiming, you need to share the knowledge in order to hasten the rate of your success. Remember that leaders become very good leaders when they produce more leaders; same is true with successful people; they only become successful when they can produce more successful people that will vouch to their good deeds.
They know what to have, do, and share.
They know that they must jave patience to read, understand, follow, and observe the results of they have done according to their comprehension and imterpretation;
They know that they cannot do alone, so they do know when and who to consult, and they do follow; they don't rush; instead have the diligence and persistence to do one step at a time and they do master the steps and systems before sharing anything in order to have a concrete proof ...more