It is quite advantageous to transfer T-Credit to PSAs or CSAs that are active. It will motivate and assist them to achieve their goal.
My sponsor sent me some T-Credits I used it to bid on double Member Reward Points(MRPs) auction and then I used these MRPs to buy more T-Credits (126MRP/1 T-Credit=102VP) this enabled me to achieve VersaPoints and I was able to reach EA2 status and my sponsor earned 100 Action VPs that help her achieve Bronze team Leader.
So by transferring T-Credit both you and your PSAs or CSAs can reach your goal.
It is quite advantageous to transfer T-Credit to PSAs or CSAs that are active. It will motivate and assist them to achieve their goal.
My sponsor sent me some T-Credits I used it to bid on double Member Reward Points(MRPs) auction and then I used these MRPs to buy more T-Credits (126MRP/1 T-Credit=102VP) this enabled me to achieve VersaPoints and I was able to reach EA2 status and my sponsor earned 100 Action VPs that help her achieve Bronze team Leader.