I am a firm believer that a team is only as strong as it's weakest link. Transferring T credits or PSAs can help strengthen and build your whole organization. When done properly it can be a win-win deal. I would only transfer T Credits to my PSAs or CSAs that are working the business regularly (i.e logging in and completing their to do list regularly.) You can set up a contest where the top PSAs and CSAs on your team for one week will receive 10 T credits as their prize. Or you can send an email to your entire team--offering 5 T credits to those who email you a list of their goals. How would it benefit me to transfer T Credits??? If my team succeeds, I am more successful! Transferring T credits to your workers will help motivate them and show them you are genuinely concerned about their success.
I am a firm believer that a team is only as strong as it's weakest link. Transferring T credits or PSAs can help strengthen and build your whole organization. When done properly it can be a win-win deal. I would only transfer T Credits to my PSAs or CSAs that are working the business regularly (i.e logging in and completing their to do list regularly.) You can set up a contest where the top PSAs and CSAs on your team for one week will receive 10 T credits as their prize. Or you can send an email ...more