Simply stated I say it benefits me firstly towards being an awesome sponsor. Thereafter, it helps to motivate my team members to work both harder and smarter knowing that evidently their leader and team mate really care whether they succeed at this business or not. Team members having T Credit in hand are enabled to bid at auction and helped to purchase items such as wave3 and S-Builder Coop membership or others and also earn valuable versa points.
Some persons are also quite competitive and loves a good healthy competition, so they will work and strategise to attain criteria such as 300 vp or 1500vp and EA status attained and retained over x period to be the winner for prize of T Credit where such is stipulated in a team leader's contest as an incentive/reward.
Therefore, when persons work to achieve such progress and wins by their improved rank, activities(sales and purchases), commissions gained I will also gain the allotted percentage of commissions and matching vp etc.
Ultimately it blesses me to help my team members financially and then observe them blossom and grow!
Simply stated I say it benefits me firstly towards being an awesome sponsor. Thereafter, it helps to motivate my team members to work both harder and smarter knowing that evidently their leader and team mate really care whether they succeed at this business or not. Team members having T Credit in hand are enabled to bid at auction and helped to purchase items such as wave3 and S-Builder Coop membership or others and also earn valuable versa points.
Some persons are also quite competitive and ...more