To find out how you can benefit in transferring TCredits to your PSAs or CSAs, it is necessary to know the uses of TCredits.
TCredits are use for bidding at Pricebender. By performing the bidding, you are accumulating Action VPs necessary for moving up to EA, EA2 and TL. SFI has provided us the Benefits Chart for our review, so that we can be motivated upon seeing the benefits of moving up. You can also buy TripleClicks products using TCredits and awarded corresponding VPs.
It is now obvious through the varied uses of TCredits, how you can benefit in transferring them to your PSAs or CSAs. I mainly use TCredits to reward the movers in our team. They will appreciate your recognition of their hard work as you reward them by means of transferring TCredits. You will gain trust and respect and thereby strengthen the foundation of your team.
To find out how you can benefit in transferring TCredits to your PSAs or CSAs, it is necessary to know the uses of TCredits.
TCredits are use for bidding at Pricebender. By performing the bidding, you are accumulating Action VPs necessary for moving up to EA, EA2 and TL. SFI has provided us the Benefits Chart for our review, so that we can be motivated upon seeing the benefits of moving up. You can also buy TripleClicks products using TCredits and awarded corresponding VPs.