Try to anticipate their questions before they are asked and provide the answers? If you have a website, you could compose a FAQ to do this. Other ideas are to hold a web conference for perspective associates. Create a free membership kit that explains the program as well as provides some useful material to help them get started. This material could be a list of the advertising venues that you have found most useful. A glossary of the terms that are used by SFI, maybe an ebook or two on list building or another topic that is relevant. Provide this kit free to whoever asks for it weather they are signed up or not and collect their name and email so that you can follow up using an auto-responder.
People will naturally have questions, it's your job as their perspective sponsor to answer them. If you don't want to answer them personally, then you should find a way to do this automatically in some way.
Try to anticipate their questions before they are asked and provide the answers? If you have a website, you could compose a FAQ to do this. Other ideas are to hold a web conference for perspective associates. Create a free membership kit that explains the program as well as provides some useful material to help them get started. This material could be a list of the advertising venues that you have found most useful. A glossary of the terms that are used by SFI, maybe an ebook or two on list ...more