This is one of the very big problem every affiliate face in SFI and I am extremely glad that you have raised the question. I have some strategies which really makes a lot of sense for my team. Let me list it out for general help
1. Always send a team mail with huge inspirational speeches or explaining about your success story to your affiliates. This generates a hope of light for them as you are the one they speak physically.
2. Organise some Webinars with your team members when ever time permits and try to clarify them about to the best of your knowledge. Share your tricks and success story on live video.
3. When ever you find one affiliate is online, never hesitate to start a conversation through SFI live chat. This is one of the very strong way to keep them away from giving up.
4. Organise contests and Keep your affiliates rewards for achieving certain goal. This keeps them motivated.
Hope these tricks will workout for you too........Good Luck
This is one of the very big problem every affiliate face in SFI and I am extremely glad that you have raised the question. I have some strategies which really makes a lot of sense for my team. Let me list it out for general help
1. Always send a team mail with huge inspirational speeches or explaining about your success story to your affiliates. This generates a hope of light for them as you are the one they speak physically.
2. Organise some Webinars with your team members ...more