Being successful in any business is more about attitude than anything else. People are motivated in different ways and by different things. So in my opinion, most important is to build trust in your team. Trust is flexibility and allows you to achive more then you ever thought you could. Without trust, your team will either break down or rust. To avoid that you must do things to keep the parts working together so...
1.Give win first - No one ever created a win-win relationship without letting the other person win first.
2.Listen and learn
3.Appreciate and value others
4.Remember what you hear and see.
5.Trust others
6.Find solutions and make a sacrifice
7.Learn from your mistakes.
8.Make it right
9.Give generous credit and praise
10.Do what you say
Being successful in any business is more about attitude than anything else. People are motivated in different ways and by different things. So in my opinion, most important is to build trust in your team. Trust is flexibility and allows you to achive more then you ever thought you could. Without trust, your team will either break down or rust. To avoid that you must do things to keep the parts working together so...
1.Give win first - No one ever created a win-win relationship without ...more