I love this question because it is the catch 22 of our existence. There is no right answer and there is no wrong answer about what you can or should tell someone about SFI when asked.
However, having said that, I will tell you this, if you are passionate about what you are doing, your excitement about the business will shine through to the person you are talking to about SFI.
Also, the more you know about the business, the easier it will be to talk about it, so study study study (https://www.sfimg.com/Training/InternetIncome)
If you believe and follow the rules to success as written by our President Gery Carson, you will have the confidence that comes with every successful entrepreneur. (https://www.sfimg.com/ROS/Index)
And last but not least, always let that person know that they will have the best thing about any business.....They get to work with you!!!!! Keep smiling!!!
I love this question because it is the catch 22 of our existence. There is no right answer and there is no wrong answer about what you can or should tell someone about SFI when asked.
However, having said that, I will tell you this, if you are passionate about what you are doing, your excitement about the business will shine through to the person you are talking to about SFI.
Also, the more you know about the business, the easier it will be to talk about it, so study study ...more