I got my autoresponder message ideas from the suggested ads in the Marketing section of the SFI Home Page. I edited them into a message format that would follow sequentially from the first email message to the second etc.
I created my letters in that manner so a to not misrepresent the program, the income potential or any other aspect of the business.
I also used some info that I gleaned from the Gateway capture pages. I created a total of 13 emails that are sent out automatically. I have people who joined SFI via my autoresponder.
One thing I would say is, I found new people much faster using the direct Gateway links.
Using the Key Codes has helped me determine where my prospects are coming from.
The great thing about the autoresponder is that you can add these prospects to your personal list for future reference.
I got my autoresponder message ideas from the suggested ads in the Marketing section of the SFI Home Page. I edited them into a message format that would follow sequentially from the first email message to the second etc.
I created my letters in that manner so a to not misrepresent the program, the income potential or any other aspect of the business.
I also used some info that I gleaned from the Gateway capture pages. I created a total of 13 emails that are sent out automatically. ...more