Ths is an excellent question and is absolutely meaningful and appropriate especially when one is engaged in the act of prospecting which is very much an art as well as a science. Think of your response as a Headline, which is one of the reasons why periodcals, magazines and the Daily News paper, etc, sells. For emphasis,bring to mind the Advertsement that you use as a marketing strategy for sales purposes and the acquisition of new affiliates. Your Headlines are what sells, which in itself is good Salesmanship.
Now to answer the question I recommend that you must never give out too much information initially. The brain works much faster than you can talk.There's a presold prospect in many people that we know and meet.The problem is spending too much time talking them out of it or working so hard talking them out of it.Now this is how we must train our new affiliates in preparation for any encounter.Think of this as someone who is just starting out on a new job.Someone tells them what to say, what to do,what order or sequence in which things should be done.In addition think of the telemarketer whose on the other end of the line.You got my drift? Ok!
So this is what you can say. "I've tried everything else but always was a failure" or "after years of failure" or "I was broke before but SFI has turned everything around for me". It's a proven and established online business enterprise that offers a free ground floor opportunity for people who want freedom.It's an American company with Corporate Offices is in Lincoln Nebraska, with global appeal and ifluence in 198 countries. Now in it's fifteenth year, generating millions in revenue 45% of which go its affiliates like me. I would be willing to speak with you providing more information to satisfy your desire if you choose. My Regards.
Ths is an excellent question and is absolutely meaningful and appropriate especially when one is engaged in the act of prospecting which is very much an art as well as a science. Think of your response as a Headline, which is one of the reasons why periodcals, magazines and the Daily News paper, etc, sells. For emphasis,bring to mind the Advertsement that you use as a marketing strategy for sales purposes and the acquisition of new affiliates. Your Headlines are what sells, which in itself is ...more