I would, with my limited understanding and knowledge of SFI, hold that Genealogy is one of the most powerful resources in SFI which helps one manage one's business, besides marketing,training and my account.
The Genealogy lists one's PSAs, their PSAs (Generation 2), and so on, down to Generation 7 (G7). Genealogy does not contain affiliates who have been inactive for six months or more, to prevent clutter in the report. With Genealogy, one can manage one's growing organization, send individual and group messages to one's entire organization (or any segment), monitor sales activity, award gift certificates, reassign sponsors, and more.
How to use Genealogy can be accessed through:https://www.sfimg.com/Training/GenTipsShortcuts
I would, with my limited understanding and knowledge of SFI, hold that Genealogy is one of the most powerful resources in SFI which helps one manage one's business, besides marketing,training and my account.
The Genealogy lists one's PSAs, their PSAs (Generation 2), and so on, down to Generation 7 (G7). Genealogy does not contain affiliates who have been inactive for six months or more, to prevent clutter in the report. With Genealogy, one can manage one's growing organization, send ...more