Of all of SFI's Power Tools, which ones works best for you and why?
Mohan Francis, Aff (United Kingdom)
8/11/2013 8:43 pm
Affiliate since: 02/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I would, with my limited understanding and knowledge of SFI, hold that Genealogy is one of the most powerful resources in SFI which helps one manage one's business, besides marketing,training and my account.
The Genealogy lists one's PSAs, their PSAs (Generation 2), and so on, down to Generation 7 (G7). Genealogy does not contain affiliates who have been inactive for six months or more, to prevent clutter in the report. With Genealogy, one can manage one's growing organization, send individual and group messages to one's entire organization (or any segment), monitor sales activity, award gift certificates, reassign sponsors, and more.
How to use Genealogy can be accessed through:https://www.sfimg.com/Training/GenTipsShortcuts
I would, with my limited understanding and knowledge of SFI, hold that Genealogy is one of the most powerful resources in SFI which helps one manage one's business, besides marketing,training and my account.
The Genealogy lists one's PSAs, their PSAs (Generation 2), and so on, down to Generation 7 (G7). Genealogy does not contain affiliates who have been inactive for six months or more, to prevent clutter in the report. With Genealogy, one can manage one's growing organization, send
I'm designing an SFI business card. What information should I make sure to include?
Mohan Francis, Aff (United Kingdom)
8/5/2013 10:08 pm
Affiliate since: 02/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I would advise that the business card should contain the following information:
1. Name
2. SFI Independent Business Contractor(Designation)
3. Contact Information
(a) Telephone Number
(b) Email ID
4. SFI Logo with the caption, "Aiming High, Dreaming Big".
These would make the business card simple yet an effective one.
Hope, this helps.
What's the best TripleClicks product to have for a Standing Order for a financially challenged affiliate?
Mohan Francis, Aff (United Kingdom)
8/5/2013 10:28 pm
Affiliate since: 02/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I would like to give two options to such an Affiliate.
Option 1.
An Affiliate who can not at all make any investment:
Sponsor Affiliates and TC Members; and drive in more sales. Results will be slow but
Option 2.
An Affiliate who can afford a Standing Order:
Purchase 10 individual T Credits @ $1.89 apiece. Total expenditure will be $18.90 per month. This is the minimum s/he has to spend every month. This will give 1020 VersaPoints. 482 VersaPoints can be earned by doing the daily tasks;weekly tasks and stream posts(30*11=330;35*4=140; and 3*4=12).
A financially challenged Affiliate can easily maintain the rank of EA till s/he builds up an active downline of EAs and Team Leaders and earn points for supporting them.
Hope, this helps.
I would like to give two options to such an Affiliate.
Option 1.
An Affiliate who can not at all make any investment:
Sponsor Affiliates and TC Members; and drive in more sales. Results will be slow but
Option 2.
An Affiliate who can afford a Standing Order:
Purchase 10 individual T Credits @ $1.89 apiece. Total expenditure will be $18.90 per month. This is the minimum s/he has to spend every month. This will
What are some ways to make my advertising more effective?
Mohan Francis, Aff (United Kingdom)
8/5/2013 10:36 pm
Affiliate since: 02/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I would maintain that a catchy caption that holds the prospect's attention and gives him/her the instantaneous feel that what follows is bona fide; and a crisp and lean text that gives the essentials of the business, would be effective.
One can have ideas from radio jingles and magazine ads.