Hello Cecil,
Ever been caught off guard by a question?
You did it - you made me check and evaluate.
1. Communication
2. Affiliate Manager
1a. It makes it easy to get your messages out to
the groups these notes are intended to.
Great filtering at Genealogy.
2a. Affiliate Manager -
Unless one gets dozens of new affiliates each day
the Aff. mgr. has everything to keep up-to-date
with one's PSA's.
That is if you make yourself familiar with it
right from the start.
I used Re-Assignment tool and Co-op manager, yet to me
the above mentioned tools are the ones helping me the most.
Someday I shall find out if these other tools are more
for experienced users or power hitters, but for now I say
communicating is important and the manager is helping
tremendously by sorting out who to converse with.
Is this a hidden study? (wink2x)
Hello Cecil,
Ever been caught off guard by a question?
You did it - you made me check and evaluate.
1. Communication
2. Affiliate Manager
1a. It makes it easy to get your messages out to
the groups these notes are intended to.
Great filtering at Genealogy.
2a. Affiliate Manager -
Unless one gets dozens of new affiliates each day
the Aff. mgr. has everything to keep up-to-date
with one's PSA's.
That is if you