Your every little effort is priceless for SFI,the more you work the merrier.In every business good results come by the hours you put into your work,so the same applies in SFI.
You determine your own increase or decrease in being successful. In time you can realize and make your own judgement as to how many hours are needed in a week to accomplish your work. One to two hours a day or more if you can should be good BUT we all have our different way of working or spending time.
Your success in SFI depends on your own choice of committment of time and materials you are preferring to use.
Your great question will bring you great results as you get seriously involved giving your chosen hours to be successful.
Your every little effort is priceless for SFI,the more you work the merrier.In every business good results come by the hours you put into your work,so the same applies in SFI.
You determine your own increase or decrease in being successful. In time you can realize and make your own judgement as to how many hours are needed in a week to accomplish your work. One to two hours a day or more if you can should be good BUT we all have our different way of working or ...more