Remember, Pricebender is for bargain hunters and people who are looking for shopping but with savings. Use some of the following ads which can be effective....
1. Save more than 99% on your shopping. Bid with as low as 29 sent and grab items of $300 for less than $3.......
2. Looking for bargain shopping?? why not play in auction to grab them for more than 90% off?
3. Searching for discount shopping? Check out for these wow auctions where people saved more than 90% on retail prices.
These ads you can advertise on sites where maximum people browse specifically for shopping. You can choose sites which are
1. Designed for purely shopping
2. Auction sites
3. High alexa ranked classifieds
4. Avoid advertising on Marketing site. These people never look for shopping and are interested to make money.
Remember, Pricebender is for bargain hunters and people who are looking for shopping but with savings. Use some of the following ads which can be effective....
1. Save more than 99% on your shopping. Bid with as low as 29 sent and grab items of $300 for less than $3.......
2. Looking for bargain shopping?? why not play in auction to grab them for more than 90% off?
3. Searching for discount shopping? Check out for these wow auctions where people saved more than 90% ...more