There are some burning issues that may affect your being successful in SFI which you cannot ordinarily figure out by yourself but by participating in Ask SC you are exposed to answers that you can cash into.
Ask SC is a learning field, where you acquire wealth of knowledge both through reading the answers and also answering any of the questions. You are exposed to understanding the intricate part of your SFI business.
It helps you to read, you will find something to make you laugh and at the same time you are strengthened, encouraged and empowered with experience from other SFI affiliate members. You learn about new ways to advertise, duplicate, communicate or adapt to every situation. I tell you no dull moment in Ask SC. If you’re up tight that’s where to be.
In all of the above the most important thing is to apply what you learn from Ask SC and from SFI Rules of Success in practice you will definitely excel. Remember “Knowledge is power only when applied and practice makes perfect if intelligently done”.
There are some burning issues that may affect your being successful in SFI which you cannot ordinarily figure out by yourself but by participating in Ask SC you are exposed to answers that you can cash into.
Ask SC is a learning field, where you acquire wealth of knowledge both through reading the answers and also answering any of the questions. You are exposed to understanding the intricate part of your SFI business.
It helps you to read, you will find something to make you ...more