Growth requires learning, so that is what I'm doing.
I've only been in SFI a little over 2 months, so I still have a lot to learn. I spend time each day reading and re-reading the beginner training materials, such as LaunchPad. I always read the TIPs tab each day, I'm familiar with Rules of Success, and I've started working through the Internet Income course. I have a subscription to IAHBE, and I try to read at least one article there a day.
I'm lucky that I have some hugely experienced leaders in my upline, so I always look out for their team mails and stream posts, and visit their leadership pages frequently, so I can catch any updates. I am in regular contact with my sponsor, and we share ideas and inspiration.
Outside of SFI, I have a number of business blogs that I subscribe to, and visit regularly to check out the new posts. I follow a number of business leaders on LinkedIn, and always take time to read their latest updates.
Finally, I am an avid reader, and I'm always looking out for autobiographies of successful business people. These are my best sources of ideas, inspiration and motivation, because they give me direct access to the minds of people who are already successful leaders.
Growth requires learning, so that is what I'm doing.
I've only been in SFI a little over 2 months, so I still have a lot to learn. I spend time each day reading and re-reading the beginner training materials, such as LaunchPad. I always read the TIPs tab each day, I'm familiar with Rules of Success, and I've started working through the Internet Income course. I have a subscription to IAHBE, and I try to read at least one article there a day.
I'm lucky that I have some hugely