Personally I don't think that there is any activity under or over rated. All the activities are important. What is possibly daunting is the time it takes to do them with what appear to be very little results. But as experience has taught - patience is a virtue. Success comes in many small steps - so continue to do the small stuff and you will achieve success.
A very wise man I know once said - in business so something everyday no matter how small it may appear because the day will come when you do very little and the money still role in.
So focus on the positive and do the steps daily.....
Personally I don't think that there is any activity under or over rated. All the activities are important. What is possibly daunting is the time it takes to do them with what appear to be very little results. But as experience has taught - patience is a virtue. Success comes in many small steps - so continue to do the small stuff and you will achieve success.
A very wise man I know once said - in business so something everyday no matter how small it may appear because the day will come ...more