By my humble opinion, some of the strongest and most influential books of all times would be:
- The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy;
- Strategic Selling by Robert Miller and Stephen Heiman;
- How to Master the Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins;
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey;
- How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie;
- Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins;
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill;
- The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino;
- Drive by Daniel Pink;
- The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale;
And for sure the most influential and life changing books of all times would be the Scriptures. It is not essential for a certain person which one of them he believes to be true, as long as she or he applies the principles and shares the positive values taught within.
If you read these books - all or just some of them - and if you change yourself so you "grow" able to do what they reveal and teach, it is not only certain that you will live a full and happy life, but almost impossible for you NOT to do it.
What is maybe even more important, you'll become not just a reflection of the lights around you, but a source of light and truth yourself.
By my humble opinion, some of the strongest and most influential books of all times would be:
- The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy;
- Strategic Selling by Robert Miller and Stephen Heiman;
- How to Master the Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins;
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey;
- How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie;
- Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins;
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill;
- The Greatest