This is an unexpected question but a very relevant one. Lack of reading is the number one killer of success. So many people have lost their destiny just because they failed to imbibe the culture of reading.
Even, here on SFI a greater percentage of people do not read. They just jump on task and somehow, they become overwhelmed.
I will recommend reading motivational books on success, to SFI affiliates. There are lots of motivational books around but the one that quickly came to my mind is “The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons”, written by Napoleon Hill, the author of the world-famous “Think & Grow Rich”.
I literally stumbled upon it by accident…and boy, am I certainly glad that I did!
If you have never read “Think & Grow Rich”…then you will be amazed at how Napoleon Hill manages to write so clearly, and with such obvious enthusiasm, that you cannot help yourself from getting caught up in how you CAN make more of your life.
If you have already read “Think & Grow Rich”…then you will understand what makes Napoleon Hill’s writing so special. “The Law of Success” has for many years been hidden behind “Think & Grow Rich”, yet almost every successful person I have ever spoken to has a copy of it somewhere on their bookshelf.
I can honestly say that “The Law of Success” is THE most important book that you have probably never read!
In addition to the aforementioned book, i will also like to suggest,that all SFI affiliate read Gery's Blog. I am sure that a lot of affiliate do not know that, that blog exists. You can use this link to locate it http://gcblog.sfimg.com/ Just reading that blog would make you see into the mind of great men, like the founder of this great company. There are also, lots of other resourceful books you can find in the eBook section of TripleClicks.
The importance of reading cannot be overemphasized. Show me any successful man, i will bet that he/she is a ''reader''. Unfortunately, reading culture seems to be disappearing from the face of the earth.
I hope my answer was helpful? Thank you once again for this important question. I hope that affiliate will learn from the series of answers it would generate. Have a nice day ahead.
This is an unexpected question but a very relevant one. Lack of reading is the number one killer of success. So many people have lost their destiny just because they failed to imbibe the culture of reading.
Even, here on SFI a greater percentage of people do not read. They just jump on task and somehow, they become overwhelmed.
I will recommend reading motivational books on success, to SFI affiliates. There are lots of motivational books around but the one