Best is relative and might require scientific research to arrive at. However given some methods in common use one could come up with what can be regarded as best of those identified. For now we can limit ourselves to methods suggested by SFI in the various trainings and tips. Here, also another assumption is that best translates to most effective.
Leading by example is very important and this includes personal income. If you have a Payoneer Master Card, if you have an income stream towards or into the $1000 or more per month, if you can demonstrate your personal account details to show growth in income over the months, you are sure to have a very effective method and one of the best.
Many serious would be new affiliates are concerned 'what is in it for you the recruiter'. What have you got not what do you expect or dream about. So if you can readily show what you have got then you have an effective recruiting tool.
To build a team initially use the SBuild cooperative initiative which allows one to target and get affiliates who by themselves are looking for home based business opportunities. Not much convincing is required here.
Also use free and paid advertising to make sales for boosting your income.
In a nutshell the best methods are: Advertise; Build initial team; Build reasonable initial income; and Get Payoneer Master Card.
All these will raise your status and help you to effectively recruit good new affiliates.
Best is relative and might require scientific research to arrive at. However given some methods in common use one could come up with what can be regarded as best of those identified. For now we can limit ourselves to methods suggested by SFI in the various trainings and tips. Here, also another assumption is that best translates to most effective.
Leading by example is very important and this includes personal income. If you have a Payoneer Master Card, if you have an income stream towards or