Great question and I can not help but think of the following quote, "Yes, reach for the mountain top, but enjoy the climb as well." ~ Robin Sharma
I am mindful of this quote when I send out team messages to members of my downline; this quote reminds me that success with SFI is not a prescriptive approach - in other words, as a team leader/sponsor/fellow affiliate I wish to enocurage everyone I interact with to consider what his/her desire to fulfill with the use of SFI.
Motivation is something that comes from the passion that grows within each of us; therefore, it is important for me to review each member in my downline what is important to them not to me.
Dreams give you the reason to act during the day so the more effort that I put into assisting members of my downline to understand how SFI can be used to fulfill their dreams for prosperity, health and happiness the more engaged the downline members will be in the journey of reaching their dreams.
SFI is not a "get rich quick remedy" - so it is important to encourage everyone to enjoy their journey on a daily basis with SFI so that they see the growth that happens over a period of time.
Each task, small or big, performed in their own SFI business enables downline affiliates to get closer to the top - fulfil their own dreams. It is important for me to do an on-going review of each member's profile so that I am in a better position to help them reach their dreams - this is what will keep people motivated - reaching their own dreams and creating new possibilities for their future.
Great question and I can not help but think of the following quote, "Yes, reach for the mountain top, but enjoy the climb as well." ~ Robin Sharma
I am mindful of this quote when I send out team messages to members of my downline; this quote reminds me that success with SFI is not a prescriptive approach - in other words, as a team leader/sponsor/fellow affiliate I wish to enocurage everyone I interact with to consider what his/her desire to fulfill with the use of SFI.