This situation is inevitable. Before you give up on CSAs who do not respond to your messages, ensure you have successfully carried out they following steps:
1. Send TeamMail messages to them on a weekly basis. Give them proof that SFI is a genuine business because some of them might not take it serious. Copy and paste some basic FAQ in the TeamMail messages you send to them.
2. After a month of sending TeamMail messages to them without response, send an email to them. Some of them might have forgotten about SFI. In the email, refer them to the SFI basics ( Also, copy and paste some testimonies to their email. You can also share your progress with them.
3. If you are lucky to get their telephone, send a message to them. Always let them know you will be available to assist them any time and any day. Be friendly and lively with them.
This situation is inevitable. Before you give up on CSAs who do not respond to your messages, ensure you have successfully carried out they following steps:
1. Send TeamMail messages to them on a weekly basis. Give them proof that SFI is a genuine business because some of them might not take it serious. Copy and paste some basic FAQ in the TeamMail messages you send to them.
2. After a month of sending TeamMail messages to them without response, send an email to them. Some ...more