I never just concentrate on my most active CSAs. When I send out my team mailers, I send out two - one to ALL of my PSAs and one to ALL of my CSAs. Just because they're not responsive doesn't mean they're not doing anything at all.
Some of my PSAs and CSAs will go on a long hiatus and then all of a sudden, they show back up in my Movers list again.
You never know what their situations are behind the scenes, and what might spark their interest to jump back in and try to start building their business. So always include them in your regular mailers. Always make sure they know that you're leaving your door open if they need your help.
And like others have said - Never, never give up - and that includes never giving up on people in your downline that don't seem to be doing anything. If they signed up for a specific reason, just receiving occasional emails from you may be a trigger to get them to come back.
I never just concentrate on my most active CSAs. When I send out my team mailers, I send out two - one to ALL of my PSAs and one to ALL of my CSAs. Just because they're not responsive doesn't mean they're not doing anything at all.
Some of my PSAs and CSAs will go on a long hiatus and then all of a sudden, they show back up in my Movers list again.
You never know what their situations are behind the scenes, and what might spark their interest to jump back in and try to start ...more