No one person can tell you what YOUR goals should be. You must choose them for yourself. I suggest setting goals which are just a little bit more than you can believe in for yourself. Rethink your goals monthly as you see the results of you efforts coming in. And set dates for your goals. It is difficult to understand but I have found that there seems to be a thing called "intention". What You INTEND is what you get. Check out Wayne Dyers talk about the "Power of Intention". Look on YouTube for Wayne Dyers comments.
No one person can tell you what YOUR goals should be. You must choose them for yourself. I suggest setting goals which are just a little bit more than you can believe in for yourself. Rethink your goals monthly as you see the results of you efforts coming in. And set dates for your goals. It is difficult to understand but I have found that there seems to be a thing called "intention". What You INTEND is what you get. Check out Wayne Dyers talk about the "Power of Intention". ...more