It depends of your locationn, and location of your customer.
Bigest problem is that shiping expenses can overcome product price.
Another thing you should pay atention on is risk of potential damage,
during the shiping, and who will pay for it (most comonly it would be you).
Price of product doesn't metter that much (if it suits the real value of product),
as shiping price, weight and fragility of product.
So order of posible products to sell on TripleClicks,
depending on selling comfortability would be:
1. Digital products, ecause they don't have weight, nor shiping costs.
2. Easy-to-ship products, wich aren't big or heavy, and wich aren't
easy to crash. Also wich aren't on black list of forbiden products
in some countries. And then
3. Other products, but only for local selling in your country.
My advice to you is that you should think of previously listed
potrential problems before you decide to put some product on TripleClicks.
But if you consider that, you could make very nice sells there.
Hope I helped.
It depends of your locationn, and location of your customer.
Bigest problem is that shiping expenses can overcome product price.
Another thing you should pay atention on is risk of potential damage,
during the shiping, and who will pay for it (most comonly it would be you).
Price of product doesn't metter that much (if it suits the real value of product),
as shiping price, weight and fragility of product.
So order of posible products to sell on TripleClicks,