Hi Jacinta,
I share in your Concern and I am pretty sure almost 99% of ALL Affiliates here in SFI go through the same Scenario every now and then. It is also quite discouraging at first and when you are new in SFI facing a challenge like this without seeking advice could cause one to quit. Because well, it seems everybody is quitting so why am I here? Right? WRONG!
When I look through my genealogy the numbers are totally opposite between the performers and the non performers. Currently I have over 300 non performers vs 5 very active performers.
This Brings me to 3 Categories of Workers You should Look out For and How to go about them.
1. Tyre Kickers
Who Exactly is A Tyre Kicker? (Urban Dictionary Def)
Someone who is indecisive about purchasing a product or service, and never feels satisfied with what they are offered. In the end a tire kicker may or may not buy. The term comes from sales people at car dealerships. Tire kickers would come around frequently, kick the tires a few times on the cars that they liked, but never make a solid purchasing decision on any particular car or trim.
That tire kicker has come here every day for the last month, don't waste any time on him.
2. The Curious/ Just looking Soul
Compared to the Tyre kickers the curious or just looking souls could have landed on your page by sheer curiosity. They were not looking for the opportunity but decided to try it out to see what it has to offer. Depending on many other factors(information overload) and shiny objects elsewhere they could stay or go away and keep looking elsewhere. Try and establish quick contact and communication with these people and engage them on a personal level. Some will stick around and some will go or all will still go and that's a fact of life with this business. If they go don't sweat it. It's a numbers game.
Normally for me I try and communicate with these people frequently on a personal level for up to 10 times. If I hear no feedback I let them Go
3. Business Opportunity Seekers
You can almost notice a business opportunity seeker on the very first day of his SFI signup. When I first got started with SFI my sponsor only noticed me after realizing that I had by-passed him. You don't have to be this way. Open your communication lines frequently and let them know that you are available to help them anytime should they need it.
In summery One other way to test and see which of your Affiliates are responsive is to Motivate them by Offering incentives. Launch an Incentivised campaign through your genealogy and see how many respond. If non do the first time keep reminding them every week that you are offering a bonus/gift etc for any one of them who becomes an EA, BTL or STL etc I have tried it and I have seen the slow and reluctant performers slowly crawl out of their shells.
And last but not least you want to make sure that you are working with the workers. Take good care of them. Start a social hang out for your entire team on Facebook, Skype etc. I hope this helps
To Your Success
I hope To See You At the Top
Best Regards
Hi Jacinta,
I share in your Concern and I am pretty sure almost 99% of ALL Affiliates here in SFI go through the same Scenario every now and then. It is also quite discouraging at first and when you are new in SFI facing a challenge like this without seeking advice could cause one to quit. Because well, it seems everybody is quitting so why am I here? Right? WRONG!
When I look through my genealogy the numbers are totally opposite between the performers and the non performers.