How can I find affiliates who are truly interested in SFI and who will remain active?

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3233 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 10/22/2013 8:15 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
In my opinion the best strategy is to attract friends and people with whom you can communicate face to face daily. In this way you can tell them what to do or what to do to maintain the desired rank, so definitely will remain active. The best way is to attract more known and to communicate with them every day without fail to communicate anything. I apologize for my English
3154 votes
Sanda Florentina Popa, Aff (Romania) Top Author Forum Guru 10/21/2013 4:42 pm
Affiliate since: 02/19/2018, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sanda Florentina's 211 other Ask SC answers
You should just invite everybody unknown too well whom you meet online explaining them in advance briefly all the advantages of this SFI business and how it works. Tell them they should just join and read about this. Then they will meet here positive and helpful people and the serious ones will remain for sure.
2785 votes
seka Lavoisier De Florentin ASSI, Aff (Cote D'ivoire) Top Author Forum Guru 10/24/2013 4:07 pm
Affiliate since: 08/14/2017, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read seka Lavoisier De Florentin's 5 other Ask SC answers

good question
it depends on your marketing force. find someone that is good, but the manager has to stay on SFI is even better. Various techniques are available to us to get there.
1 - maps
2 - the mastercard as proof of the veracity of IFC
3 - your winnings or auction your property Achates on SFI
2710 votes
Leba Thierry N'GUESSAN, Aff (Cote D'ivoire) Top Author Forum Guru 10/31/2013 4:27 am
Affiliate since: 09/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Leba Thierry's 1 other Ask SC answers
For me the answer to this question depends on the geographical area where one's will find himself on the world, because in the case of AFRICA where I am coming from specially in West AFRICA where even connecting to the Internet is still really a big problem because of network problems. And when network is good Internet packages to connect are very expensive and appear to be financial strains for many persons.
Also, the high rate of unemployment in our African countries at first sight seem
2310 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 10/31/2013 5:45 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
hi , big question , personly i did notice that more or less than 25% of a team , give up during the first month, beside that , i contact them everyday and i try to interest and motived to fsi, telling them all the oportunity , FSI CAN give , over that i got a good feeling with them ,interst comes also when trust is instaled
1820 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 10/31/2013 8:41 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
I am not that experienced on this subject,but from my experience,a lot has to do with how experienced you are as a sponsor.I have experience as a new sponsor who has gained knowledge and experience, and I have seen very good affiliates it seemed to me. They went as far as EA and gradually disappeared. Now, I have one who has followed my advice to a T and she encourages me very much as she worked hard right up to the finish line, and reached her EA. I have good reason to believe that she will continue
145 votes
Luca Isola, Aff (Italy) Top Author Forum Guru 10/31/2013 11:14 am
Affiliate since: 07/09/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Luca's 1 other Ask SC answers
per essere sempre attivi in sfi bisogna avere costanza forza di volonta' e voglia di lavorare queste cose possono fare di noi una vera forza so bene che all'inizio prendiamo tutto con molta leggerezza ma se lavoriamo bene e con pazienza i risultati si vedono sempre e noi verremo premiati per la nostra volonta'. sfi è una grande famiglia e tutti insieme possiamo scalare qualsiasi ostacolo.specialmente dando ascolto ai nostri sponsor e seguire alcuni consigli importanti.quindi forza non arrendiamoci