That honestly is a very valid question. And I asked myself the same question before I signed up for SFI. And this is what I realized.
All traditional businesses need a starting capital. Depending upon what kind of a business you are planning to get into, this number will vary but it will definitely be there.
With SFI, you need ZERO starting capital. Which basically means that you do not need to invest any money.
Whenever you start a traditional business, you will need to maintain an inventory of your products. Even if you are providing a service, you will still have to maintain an inventory of consumables that you will need for providing that service.
With SFI, the need for an inventory is abolished.
Of course, you will need to invest your time in both the places. But I can assure you, that the amount of time that you invest in SFI and that you do in a traditional business is very different. What you can achieve at SFI in just a couple of hours, you can probably never achieve that in twice the amount in a traditional business. So, you make your moeny with SFI and still have time to enjoy the other pleasures that life has to offer you.
In a traditional business, you are bound by the rising and the setting sun. There are only a limited time frame within which you can operate. And these working hours will pretty much be fixed.
With SFI, you can choose when you want to work. Your timings and your income are not controlled by the timings in your area.
With a traditional business, you can only market your products within your city, state or country (if and when you make it that big).
With SFI, you start off marketing your business to the entire world. And at no cost at all. You could be sitting in the remotest town of the world and selling your stuff to people sitting across the globe.
A common problem with traditional business is that it suffers every time there is a recession in the country of its operation.
However, SFI is almost recession free. It is recession free unless the whole world is going through an economic recession which hasn't happened in a very long time. This is because your market is not limited to your country. It is global.
When you are operating a traditional business, you only make money as long as you work. Once you stop working, your income stops as well.
And this is the most beautiful part of the SFI business. It earns for you while you sleep. You could probably be on a vacation with your family and still be making money. Because the system is working for you.
Every time you want to start a new business, you need to learn about it. IN a traditional business, it is extremely difficult to find someone who will teach you. I know because I have been there.
At SFI, you have an endless stream of training. Starting from the Launchpad Lessons to Upline Support to the Ask SC Forum to the A2A program, the list is endless. Everytime you have a question or a doubt, you have access to an unlimited amount of resources to find your answers.
I'm sure many other affiliates would like to add to this list. And I hope this somewhat answers your question.
Cheers and best of luck.