I like Google Translate http://translate.google.com/ for translating messages to and from affiliates. To copy the text you want to translate, highlight the text then right click on what you have highlighted and drag to “copy” then click on “copy”. To paste the text into the translation box, point the cursor into the box and right click on it then drag to “paste”. You can also hold the “ctrl” key and “v” key on your keyboard instead of right clicking to paste the text. After changing the language in the “To:” section to the language you want the text translated to, click “Translate”. To get a translation for an email you want to send, you can simply type the text into the translation box and change the language in the “To:” section to the language you want it translated to then click “Translate”. You can copy the translated text and paste it into your email using the same directions previously noted.
I have also used ImTranslator at http://freetranslation.imtranslator.net/ . To use it, you follow the same directions as above to paste the text into the “original text” box then change the “Direction” of the language (first box is the language the text is written in and the second box is the text you want it translated to) and click on “translate”. The translation will appear in the next box below the original text box.
If you use Gmail, you can have foreign email messages automatically translated into your language. http://translate.google.com/about/intl/en_ALL/tour.html#communicate
Did you know that there is a version of Google Translate for mobile and Android? If you use your phone for messaging you can get the mobile or Android version of Google Translate to use. Learn more here http://translate.google.com/about/intl/en_ALL/tour.html#mobile
If you use the Google toolbar you have the option with Chrome and Firefox browsers to have any page automatically translated into your language http://translate.google.com/about/intl/en_ALL/tour.html#explore. This is helpful in translating training info at SFI. Imtranslator also has a plugin for Firefox http://imtranslator.net/ff-plugin.asp . SFI has some suggestions as well at https://www.sfimg.com/Training/LanguageTranslation .
Do you have a website you use for SFI affiliate training? There is an app for that or you can design your own website solution using the Google AJAX API. Learn more here http://translate.google.com/about/intl/en_ALL/tour.html#professional . Imtranslator also has widgets for websites to add to your website http://imtranslator.net/ff-plugin.asp .
Hope that helps!
I like Google Translate http://translate.google.com/ for translating messages to and from affiliates. To copy the text you want to translate, highlight the text then right click on what you have highlighted and drag to “copy” then click on “copy”. To paste the text into the translation box, point the cursor into the box and right click on it then drag to “paste”. You can also hold the “ctrl” key and “v” key on your keyboard instead of right clicking to paste the text. After