“It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently.”
? Anthony Robbins
Getting started is mostly easy and interesting. The actual test of skills and capabilities is when we continue to retain our status once achieved.
Yes if we follow the SFI instructions and getting started tips carefully and move in proper direction we can acquire the EA status with in a week of signing in. Some even got it in 24 hours. But to retain this rank is where our determination and steadfast behavior are required. We all know the importance of Retaining EA rank.
This is what we need to emphasis upon in our communication with our downline in their second month.
SFI is a business and follow the same universal rules and regulations as are followed by any other business and they are:
a) Well thought of and calculated business plan
b) Adequate knowledge of the business
c) Commitment
d) Continuous improvement
e) Financial management
Speaking in the light of my own experience I will teach my downline few things that I have learnt. They are as follow:
!. Be calculated and prepared:
In the first month we are given VPs for mostly for learning SFI but these VPs are awarded only once.
In the second month we will have to work our ways to get the VPs. I will advise my downline to plan their strategies. There are VPs that expires every day these VPs no affiliate should loose and for that they have to do all the TO DO LIST daily actions.
Then there are VPs awarded for weekly actions. These should be acquired by performing weekly actions. And there are monthly VPs for monthly actions which can be taken once a month. These are 497 VPs/month for free.
a) The daily Actions 11 VP = 11 x 30 = 330 VPs at the end of the month.
b) The weekly points 35/week = 35 x 4 = 140 VPs at the end of the months.
c) The Stream posts 3/week = 3 x 4 = 12 VPs at the end of the month.
d) Rating for the sponsor 10 VPs/month.
e) Submitting of goals 5 VPs/month.
Now 497 - 1500 = 1003 VPs are the actual test of skills.
Here are some tips for how we can manage these.
2. Installing of TripleClicks banner on our blog or web page. 100 VPs.
3. Staying above the green line to make you eligible for the prizes.
4. Setting up of Standing order worth 1500 VPs if one can afford.
5. TripleClicks purchase.
a) 1 Tcredit for just $1.99 a quick buy to consolidate VPs strength. 102 VPs
b) Wave3 - Free Tcredits and MRPs plus an easy way to advertise TripleClicks.
c) Pack of 100 Tcredits Item no 96180, a wise standing Order choice. 1200 VPs for $29
+ 25 VPs for rating each of these products. It is important that we complete our purchase before the 15 of each month to get these 25 VPs.
The Tcredits have two benefits.
a) VPs and MRPs at the time of purchase.
b) Giving you the opportunity to take part in auctions and change your Tcredits to VPs. and of course winning the auction is an additional benefit.
6. Along with these we should also explore every possibility of adverting our SFI business and consolidate our downline.
7. Take part in all the competition and drawings to grab as much benefits as you can.
In the end I would say SFI is a golden opportunity for all those who are target oriented and determined.