Thanks! A lot dear Bernadette for asking such a great question and my answer is written below please read carefully:-
First of all i want say Thanks! to all affiliate for Starting to read my answer.
1)If you participate in Ask SC and ask question from in Ask SC many answers are submitted in your question from many experienced leader and many experienced affiliate.
2)If you read submitted answers of any question then many knowledge you earn.Ask SC says 'Earn while you learn".
3)If you submit answer your mind is blowing your mind says automatically about this then all knowledge is fastly recover in your mind.
Sometimes, you may think that people are asking about obvious things, but then - the answers are not that obvious and again you learn something new, sometimes unexpected, that helps you with your SFI related efforts.
Also answering questions at Ask SC strengthens and extends your knowledge of SFI. As "strengthens" seems obvious, you probably wonder how answering those questions can extend your knowledge. It's simple, when you concentrate on the issue, you can find a new, more creative way to solve the problem presented in the question, or the question itself may inspire you to try a new course of action instead of an established routine.
As for the second part of my statement above - becoming a more effective SFI leader/sponsor, the answers provided by other members are often enlightening and pointing to some aspects that we simply failed to notice. This way we learn new things that we can then pass on to our Affiliates. You can incorporate many of those answers in your weekly correspondence with your Affiliates, adding a personal touch to it. Your Downline Members will thank you for sharing the knowledge with them and will follow you more eagerly.
While some answers may not be enlightening as may be expected, reading the answers with the intent of understanding the authors viewpoint, could reveal some gems of thought and much appreciation of the question. An example of this is one who answered a question on goal setting. He wrote that 'goals are delayed success.' and 'goals bring success in front of your eyes.'
In a more positive vein, I believe he meant to emphasize the importance of goals -- that success is already assured but just delayed because goals have yet to be accomplished, and success is already within grasp (in front of your eyes) and all we have to do is reach for it with our hands. I would like to congratulate the author for what his contribution did for me and which I can share the value with my Team.
Ask SC helps you to understand what you don't understand.
Ask SC help you to have many kind of answer about one question. Many opinions help you to know the global truth about a question asked.
Ask SC help you to be patient. And when you are patient you can succeed easily in SFI business. Those who are not patient can't vote 10 answer and can't discover precious ane helpful answers sent by other Affiliates.
In conclusion, Ask SC helps you to master SFI and then to succeed easily.
Ask SC is a learning field, where you acquire wealth of knowledge both through reading the answers and also answering any of the questions. You are exposed to understanding the intricate part of your SFI business.
It helps you to read, you will find something to make you laugh and at the same time you are strengthened, encouraged and empowered with experience from other SFI affiliate members. You learn about new ways to advertise, duplicate, communicate or adapt to every situation. I tell you no dull moment in Ask SC. If you’re up tight that’s where to be.
The ASK SC participating everyone, not just new affiliates. Each team leader has experience, and his experience can be very helpful. Opinions and explanations about some dilemma be much to help the solution of problems that might occur one who is new to the job. It is very important to hear opinions and explanations as someone who is relatively new maybe you can not fully understand it all at once. It is important to read and what you might at this point is not your dilemma, surely you'll need later.
Also it is important to ask you when you would not be embarrassed to have made a mistake , because people will give you the answers.
ASK SC is a growing stream of knowledge that trace back the source of SFI affiliates themselves. Each affiliate participating in SFI is actually sharing his or her own experience.
I can say with mother heart because I learned more from ASK SFI participation than from any other source. The first station and only later, after qualifying for the participation EA2.
The ASK SFI EA2 allows Affiliates to rank and above to address the questions and answers. Which means because those with experience in SFI can share their knowledge with us.
Thanks! for reading my answer i hope you like my answer.
I hope this helpful