Some of the best methods of advertising SFI from my personal experience are ,
1. Search Engines
2. Directories
4. Craigslist (For those staying in USA)
5. Safelists
6. Traffic Exchanges
7. Classified Ads
To be honest, advertising cost in any of these channels is either zero or very little.
Results amazing because of the company's repute. People love to jump at the opportunity.
Each one of these sources command a very huge membership and visitors. As a result, as per numbers game, advertiser should have large visitors. Even a small percentage of these visitors getting into this business means, you have added to your organisation which means money for you.
Firstly, please be aware that you don't have to pay money to advertise SFI; although it does help. At the moment I am using some free classifieds to advertise SFI and Triple Clicks and am happy with the result. I also believe that you get out of your business what you put in, so I try to spend a minimum of 30 minutes per day posting advertising.
Hello, at the moment I spend monthly $22 for paid advertising through S-Builder Co-Op and for me it really can also choose free advertisement.And what i belive interaction with your friend and family regarding SFI business is the best advertisement method.
The best way would be to make a list of free advertising sites like safelist and do a daily routine, put down 10 safelist and text ad sites and do your ads daily, you will be surprised how quickly you get results.
What's the best way to advertise SFI and get results?
I would say go to Your Co-op Manager and set up a personal Co-op using the S-Builder
Application, using Shares as the allocation method. Add Yourself and any of Your Workers Who have achieved at least EA status. Select the number of Shares for each based upon whatever You feel is appropriate. Then Advertise the URL that is given for the CO-op.
In today's world you hardly get any significant success without spending. So, the best way to promote SFI is by paid ads. This could be costly. In order to minimize the ad cost, I suggest using co-op ads like S-Bulder because the cost are shared, producing almost the same results.
The best way to advertise SFI and get good results is to first understand your consumers or customers; where they are located; what sources of media they access to and also their literacy levels. This way you can be able to design or generate messages with the right language that is guided by the audience analysis then you distribute or disseminate the messages(adverts) again in the right platform and this way you succeed a lot in your marketing.