A cyber-attack can be upsetting to many of the affiliates especially if it had been their first experience and if they had been directly affected. Some may be reluctant to return to the business. However, it is our duty to reassure them to continue their activity.
Most importantly help them to recognize how quick SFI was to take action to stop the attack. There was an immediate alert to all affiliates and there was a counter plan in place to ensure that our sites were not compromised. All of this was only possible because there was no panic among the affiliates.
SFI is an experienced successful online company and your affiliates can be reminded of its achievements as follows:
16th successful year
14-year Bronze member of Better Business Bureau
1.5 million Affiliates (34,273 new added in the week of the attack)
2.2 million TripleClicks members
114,000+ Commissionable products
6,801 E-Commerce Affiliates (in 164 countries)
199 LocalPay Merchants (in 51 countries)
1,635 - TripleClicks.com's global popularity rank
Millions in US Dollars Commissions paid out to our affiliates
SFI’s structure, training, opportunities, organization and reputation exceed all others. Since there is none like it, they should be convinced that this is where they should stay.
A cyber-attack can be upsetting to many of the affiliates especially if it had been their first experience and if they had been directly affected. Some may be reluctant to return to the business. However, it is our duty to reassure them to continue their activity.
Most importantly help them to recognize how quick SFI was to take action to stop the attack. There was an immediate alert to all affiliates and there was a counter plan in place to ensure that our sites were not compromised.