Leading the horse right up to the waters edge. By this I mean go to the full extent. Lead by example. Sponsor should:
- encourage downline to reach their potential through weekly team mail, stream etc.
- recognize movers and work with them. check on their VP Ledger on a weekly basis and send e-tip card or mail on how movers can increase their points to attain the next level of status or re-confirm EA status.
- should be ready to assist downline with not only words of encouragement, but actions such as presenting gift certificates, tcredits, re-assigning affilaites to hardworking PSA/CSAs.
- Congratulate on achievements or milestones reached by downline members.
- Run a contest among downline to encourage growth and actions
- send tips on moving forward, advertisement, useful articles/e-books to read, download or buy from TripleClicks.
- Assign S-Builder Co-op shares to promising downline team members and top movers acknowledging their effort and motivating them to achieve more for a bigger share. (Promises to be kept)
- there is no limit what a sponsor can do. Fortunately I had a awesome sponsor, who got me going when she gifted me with TCredits. I am proud to state that I followed her footstep and have done same to my most outstanding movers.
As for what sponsors should not do:
- Simply do not do the work your downline needs to do. That is sponsor should not do what affiliates should or could do.
- do not let affiliates/downline team be dependent. Sponsors should teach but not be learners for affiliates/downline team. That is the job of affiliates/downline team.
- be there for you PSA/CSA/Affifliates but be not your PSA/CSA/Affiliates.
I hope this answers your questions.
Leading the horse right up to the waters edge. By this I mean go to the full extent. Lead by example. Sponsor should:
- encourage downline to reach their potential through weekly team mail, stream etc.
- recognize movers and work with them. check on their VP Ledger on a weekly basis and send e-tip card or mail on how movers can increase their points to attain the next level of status or re-confirm EA status.
- should be ready to assist downline with not only words