I will suggest you do the following.
Make sure you have your standing order and religiously execute you you daily dashboard task. You can consider standing orders in 200 pack TCredit with S-Builder. I strongly suggest TCredit as you can use it to participate in Pricebender auction thereby earning additional Versa Points which ensures you qualify for at least Bronze team leader which requires 3000VP. Details below:
1. Purchase of 200 Tcredit = 1661 VP
2. Purchase of S-Builder = 280 VP
3. Participating in Price Bender Auctions = 200 VP
4. Purchase of 7 TCredits with 882 MRP = 714 VP
5. For placing a Standing Order = 100 VP
6. Total Daily, Weekly & Monthly Action = 497 VP
Total = 3452 VP
You still will have a balance of 118 MRP and 7 TCredit. If decided to participate in more auctions will get additional 7VP as well as 35 MRP giving you a total of 153 MRP and 3459 VP. You can then buy one more TCredit with 126 MRP and earn additional 102 VP for a grand total of 3561 VP!!!!.
Doing this you would have spent a total of only $80 for your Standing Order (SO). Remember you are as well building your downline by participating in S-Builder and if you teach your downline to do the same you know what the outcome will be in terms of income.
Another way is to start selling products. If you are able to sell 10 products each month you could easily become Platinum Leader.
I will suggest you do the following.
Make sure you have your standing order and religiously execute you you daily dashboard task. You can consider standing orders in 200 pack TCredit with S-Builder. I strongly suggest TCredit as you can use it to participate in Pricebender auction thereby earning additional Versa Points which ensures you qualify for at least Bronze team leader which requires 3000VP. Details below:
1. Purchase of 200 Tcredit = 1661 VP