Wherever and however you usually promote Pricebenders auctions and TripleClicks products, add in information about YCD.
When you write about some of the latest winning prices of particular items on Facebook, on your own site or blog, or elsewhere (and link to the latest winners page, including your referral ID in the link),
also mention that the winner of the auction item has the opportunity to rather choose a gift certificate as their won item, which can be used at TripleClicks or at Amazon to purchase anything they want.
When you share a TripleClicks product to Facebook, to your own site or blog, or elsewhere, you can inform readers that the product can be purchased with
with Member Rewards Points,
or with a gift certificate
- and that if that particular product doesn't really interest them, that, well then, if they won an auction and chose a gift certificate instead of the won item, they could use the gift certificate to purchase anything at TripleClicks or at Amazon that their heart desires.
Referrals are not just your TripleClicks PRMs. Your PSAs are your referrals too. Remind them about what they can do if they win an auction - remind them in tips ecards, team mails, emails, stream messages, or chat.
Wherever and however you usually promote Pricebenders auctions and TripleClicks products, add in information about YCD.
When you write about some of the latest winning prices of particular items on Facebook, on your own site or blog, or elsewhere (and link to the latest winners page, including your referral ID in the link),
also mention that the winner of the auction item has the opportunity to rather choose a gift certificate as their won item,