I love this question!
How about a getting your college hall & field on a off weekend. Saturday preferred! (More off from work). or in the summer beach party.
Or a Games day/evening/ house party/ barbeque.
Your Guest: Over 18 teens only. ( or of age to sign a legal document!
Lap tops, iPods,androids,note pads..etc.Or..any cell phone device with visible reasonable size screen.
Plus note pad & pen. Or you can supply them too! (note: Haven't seen SFI or Tripleclicks pen sets, great for this promotion/gift/party bags!).
OK! On a nice Sunny afternoon. (Your Sunday rain date, show case must go on!).
Start with a Scavenger hut! for each clue found, SFI/TC Gift Certificates & Gift Cars.
Lay out fruit & nice finger food buffet & drink fountain.self service or to be served in a nice reachable access !
Lay out your sit down tables & chairs in a class in cozy setting in the mist of this too.On each table have flyers, With all different SFI/ TC urls/links/gateways, banners & logo's & or car/vehicle stickers too
Have on your our screen projector of flat screen/screens, You can display our rotating banners/logo's!
Or if your ready promote our SFI/TC Business. I prefer the banners & logo's
Now, when they get back from the hunt. You want your oldie goldies but goodies popping, mellow, Enough to create a nice partying atmosphere & warm up.And your portable mics too.
Barbecue, firing up & cocktails & tea or coffee, for preferred, flavor, flavor!
Idea is to keep them there!
Officially open up & welcome your guests! Direct them to the refreshments area, while you'll collecting, the return clues from the hunt!
As their getting refreshments & sittings, start announcing the hunt winners as they roll in!
Let them know while their waiting for everybody to roll back in!
"On each table their are a variety of flyers, banners, logo's, gateways, urls/links to your financial, mobile, home, online business! Your Grown treasure chest!"
The reason, why your devices, is your party entry, let them know they can choose anyone , enter it in their device & call you to them, when their ready & you'll come show they what ever it is they need to know! Any of them & the scavenger hunt winners too, that sign up today, will also receive a SFI/Gift Bag with a gift certificate or card included too! "
"Were serving! Hot Dogs/Burgers & for those with room, grilled steaks too Bars open!"
"DJ, Get This party started right! Not only are we going to show case this business & sin those of you that's ready in today,Feel free to grab, some of the flyers & share them with friends on your jobs, were ever you can help get the word out! If you like the business & know enough friends, were willing to put up, party number 2 again, jut let me/us know!"
" Enjoy your promotional best kept mobile home base business secret & feel free to share it!"
When your right moment is up, gift the hunt winners & the new sign ups too!
Party & celebrate your business success too.