What's the best way to motivate my affiliates to become buyers at TripleClicks?

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6255 votes
Grace Omonua, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 1/1/2016 11:06 am
Affiliate since: 01/21/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Grace's 36 other Ask SC answers
The best way to motivate to my affiliate to become buyers at TripleClicks is to let them know the important of TripleClicks to the SFI
To make money
For affiliate to make money in SFI ,affiliate need to know more about TripleClicks
TripleClicks is the store or shops where every affiliate buy ,and sell also ,
Dealing with TripleClicks you are dealing with over two thousand countries,different goods and the different knowledge which you will learn.

E-Commerce Associate
6255 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/29/2015 6:29 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Tell them to view Tripleclicks as their store. Why would they shop at someone elses store? They don't have to buy extra things they cannot use, they can buy the things they already need. They can save time and gas by shopping on Tripleclicks and also save wear and tear on their vehicle since they don't have to drive to brick and mortar stores. Now they can simply click and order!

There is a search feature which makes it very easy to find what they are looking for. There are many products
6207 votes
Mihaela David, Aff (Romania) Top Author Forum Guru 1/1/2016 4:25 am
Affiliate since: 02/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Mihaela's 3 other Ask SC answers
First of all, remind them how many amazing products are available at TripleClicks. Not only abundance but great prices too!

Some people are somehow reluctant to become buyers because of the transport but on the other hand the are so many digital products they could choose for so just tell them about this opportunity.

Try to discover your affiliates profile and make them a suitable list of products. Your suggestions could be what they are looking for.

If you are fond
6198 votes
Sithembile Mtetwa, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 1/1/2016 1:49 am
Affiliate since: 08/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sithembile's 12 other Ask SC answers
What's the best way to motivate my affiliates to become buyers at TripleClicks?

My answer is 'to lead by example'

Your badges says a lot about you. When you buy a product at Tripleclicks you get a chance to review that product and get 25AVP and get a badge. That badge is a motivation, who doesn't want extra badges? I for one wish I had more than 50 badges.

So, I would say lead by example, after all actions speaks louder than words
6149 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 1/3/2016 3:16 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
I think the key of answer to this question is in two Rules of Success, the 3rd and the 5th:
“Lead by example” and “Treat TripleClicks as your store”. These rules are firmly connected: if I purchase at TripleClicks, I lead by example, but why should I ever buy some item in Triple Clicks? Because I treat TripleClicks as my store! The question should sounds now differently: “Why shouldn’t I purchase in TripleClicks? Funny, isn’t it? But, it’s true.
What should you suggest
6072 votes
EGOZI EBONO, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 12/29/2015 11:33 pm
Affiliate since: 05/02/2022, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read EGOZI's 56 other Ask SC answers

6051 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/29/2015 6:04 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
I personally recommend becoming a buyer at TripleClicks because it lets you learn which ECAs and which products are worth promoting. It enables you to stand behind the products that you recommend, and that gives you something truly valuable: credibility. When people see the benefit of taking an action, that provides all the motivation you need.
5860 votes
Ivana Reznikova, Aff (Czech Republic) Top Author Forum Guru 12/29/2015 6:23 pm
Affiliate since: 12/01/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ivana's 172 other Ask SC answers
Motivate their members to purchase the Triple Clicks is the best example of their own. Indicate what products I've bought, what they go with us excellently for sale, which are interesting for people.
Each other to talk about products, if this is your PSA accessible.
They, in turn, turn will tell their experiences, even when the need to laugh and create a nice relationships, which I consider very important.
Then surely every man tested some products and stores will only grow on both
5847 votes
Zulfikar Reshid, Aff (Hungary) Top Author Forum Guru 1/1/2016 1:56 pm
Affiliate since: 12/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Zulfikar's 41 other Ask SC answers
I think, the sponsor should inform the affiliates that SFI is a serious business and should advice the affiliates to read the launchpad, basics step by step, bit by bit. By doing so the affiliates would understand that the SFI is a serious business, for which they should be patient and persistent.

Then the affiliates will gradually get themselves recognized with TripleClicks and other functions in SFI. As time goes on, the affiliates will discover their interested products, books, musics
5838 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/29/2015 6:35 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
As much as I wish that TripleClicks was a Leader in Sales and Service, we are not. There ARE items that have value but what's valuable to you might not be valuable to your Affiliate.

You will just have to talk to your team to see what they might like. One sure winner is TCredits, so that would be a starting place, as well as some of the Direct products from TC.