What exactly do you do other than the daily To Do List to really succeed in SFI?

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4781 votes
Maria Adedugbe, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 9/22/2015 5:12 am
Affiliate since: 03/25/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Maria's 19 other Ask SC answers
Login into your SFI home page daily is important for your business as you would want to stay on top of news, also please take note that it is important for you to earn and doing all the actions on your To-Do-List is part of your earning as you know that 1vp is equivalent to $0.0004.

Apart from this you can increase your earning by spending time posting your url in search engines to increase sign ups.

You also need to concentrate on nurturing your PSAs especially the newbies
4768 votes
Elmer Palado, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 9/18/2015 7:22 pm
Affiliate since: 05/07/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Elmer's 32 other Ask SC answers
Other than doing the daily To Do List. I read Forum Articles, this broaden my knowledge about the business and at the same time get TIP's from mentors who are successful in SFI.
I also read segments from Training menu.
You can start from Rues of Success, Sales, Sponsoring, re read Launchpad and other Training topics.
I also browse on the Marketing menu to get some marketing tools in placing ads.
Do this on center a day and you can see the difference.
4765 votes
HARSH VERMA, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 9/18/2015 10:37 pm
Affiliate since: 07/16/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read HARSH's 1 other Ask SC answers

There are many ways rather than To Do List to succeed in SFI.

1) Launchpad Tab - In Launchpad Tab Day wise Lesson are given,
by reading it you can understand how to grow your
Step By Step Sucess in SFI.

2) SFI BASICS Tab - This tab show you to more paths to earn more money

3) Tripleclicks- In Tripleclicks when you buy any products you will earn Versa Points
In Tripleclicks there are many
4739 votes
Bajus Eva, Aff (Serbia) Top Author Forum Guru 9/18/2015 3:30 pm
Affiliate since: 06/24/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Bajus's 2 other Ask SC answers
Hi, Rosman Yeah Kayak

First, it is very important go you enter the SFI every day.
Here you spend time minimum 1-2 hours if you want to really succeed in SFI.

1- ALERTS - here they are notifications and should be read because they learn from it.
2- TO-DO - the first of which is useful in the "Today's To-Do" here you can upgrade what you already know, this a new one every day. Then, this page shows what you need to do today.
3- TIPS - can be read here:
4709 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 9/20/2015 12:05 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
I talk to persons in business around my area to get them as ECAS. I try to recruit persons online as well as offline as affiliates or PRMS.It has been hard but i try and keep trying i don't let one closed door affect me. One thing i also try is writing blogs telling people about SFI and my experiences which, i must confess have been good more than bad. So you see there is too much to do besides doing to do list. I try advertising in the newspapers not only for my actual biz but also for SFIMG. I
4702 votes
Jennifer Bowe, Aff (Texas, US) Top Author Forum Guru 9/22/2015 8:32 am
Affiliate since: 01/22/2019, Power Rank: 99999999
Other than the daily To Do List there's also many on TripleClicks to try to get people more involved with such as the different games to play, monthly music contest, & penny auction. Getting people to sign up to sell their products or services through the ECA program is another great way to bring attention to TripleClicks while highlighting the different countries that would also be able to see what they have to offer. With the countless number of products being added every day there's at least
4699 votes
Rajiv Sighamony, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 9/20/2015 4:01 am
Affiliate since: 09/02/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
I have joined recently, and I have been researching a lot on how to get more VersaPoints. I have in total 5500 VP, in only two weeks. Though, you definitely need sales VP, but the real secret is how you use your Tcredits to maximize your AVP.

The best is the auction, where you get bonus AVP for each spent Tcredit, which means two AVP for one Tcredit spent.

The other way is to participate in games, particularly, the card games to win VersaPoints and MRP. Believe me, if you are
4654 votes
Ivana Reznikova, Aff (Czech Republic) Top Author Forum Guru 9/18/2015 1:09 pm
Affiliate since: 12/01/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ivana's 172 other Ask SC answers
In addition to the daily tasks needed to collect his VP action. Thus, play games, participate in auctions, but it is necessary to have also purchased the Triple Clicks VPS that you can participate for action VP confirm. It is also necessary to advertise their work, products that you like and that you would like to sell itself, or you've already bought and sold myself something nice, you do not need at home. VP is a necessity and not proceed further without them. Later, the necessity to build your
4638 votes
Irene Sadernas, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 9/21/2015 1:39 am
Affiliate since: 07/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Irene's 3 other Ask SC answers
I have been doing my daily routine early in the mornings for I have issues on my internet connection of slowing down then eventually, stops. However, If I can't log-in because of the time difference, I always do my T-time hourly and I get the chance of winning. There are times that I have won in T-time , three times in a week. Wonderful way to earn credits which I used in bidding ! Also, I participate on all Zebra games . There are free games that appears in the day. These are the things I do
4606 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 9/22/2015 5:25 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
In addition to the daily, we have weekly and monthly tasks. Of all these tasks by the VP. In addition to these tasks SFI company you an opportunity to earn playing games, participating in auctions, and selling products with TC. Are participating in the games, and auctions can also receive VP.
In addition to advertising the job and getting new PSA, advertising and selling products with TC you a profit of 15-45% of the value of the product.
There are many ways to earn. What is the best time