Thanks for this question.
A. SFI has provided innumerable Marketing Methods and Marketing Aids to build your Team. Some of these are:
1. Provide your personal Gateways provided by SFI, to your Friends & Family members with a
request to visit/read/ & sign up.
2. You can select any of the text ads created by SFI & use them as your "Signature" whenever you
send e-mails, automatically. The receiver will have curiosity to click that ad. for more details;
3. Keep sending the E-Cards regularly to your friends, family members, etc.
4. SFI X-Cards can be issued to your colleagues, associates, etc.
5. Whenever you take a taxi or ride public transportation, "forget" this SFI X-Card on the seat before
you alight.
6. Introduce SFI banners with your personal gateways, through paid/free advertising web sites;
7. Create your own blog. Provide very interesting articles. Keep up dating it regularly. Furnish SFI
Link at appropriate places.
8. Promote your Blog in all social media regularly.
9. Use SFI Flyers & keep issuing them at large gatherings in Malls, Temples, Churches, Family
Weddings/Functions, etc.
10. If you have the Fast Track Lapel Pin, wear it regularly when you visit Private Seminars,
Promotional Events, etc so that the on looker may try to speak to you;
11. Word of mouth - Keep explaining about SFI when ever you get an opportunity to meet people.
In short, through extensive advertising you will be able to get more and more sign ups and build
your Team.
B. Try to buy:
1. PSAs at $ 1.99/Each from TripleClicks;
2. Take part in Pricebenders Auctions for PSAs, & try to win;
3. Possible, be a part of S-Builder Co-Op;
4. Buy from PSAs to Go;
5. Become & Remain an EA (Minimum) to get 2 CSAs every month;
6. Aim to be a TL so that you will get applicable share of CSAs regularly;
1. Promote SFI through different marketing aids;
2. Advertise your Gateways extensively;
for PSAs;
3. Through your own performance, start getting CSAs every month.
This way, you will be able to start building your SFI Team!
Thanks for this question.
A. SFI has provided innumerable Marketing Methods and Marketing Aids to build your Team. Some of these are:
1. Provide your personal Gateways provided by SFI, to your Friends & Family members with a
request to visit/read/ & sign up.
2. You can select any of the text ads created by SFI & use them as your "Signature" whenever you
send e-mails, automatically. The receiver will have curiosity to click