It is really our intention to motivate our downlines to maintain their EA status monthly without sounding greedy by purchasing at TRIPLECLICKS store so for them to earn their VERSAPOINTS.
In order to be safe, first of all, be an example to them. Make sure that what you propose to them you have done it also to yourself. How can you convince if you yourself is not convinced or doing it.
Lastly, just simply motivate them the SFI way. In explaining to your downlines always attach or quote from SFI TIPS the importance of Standing Order or the need to purchase from TRIPLECLICKS store.
It is really our intention to motivate our downlines to maintain their EA status monthly without sounding greedy by purchasing at TRIPLECLICKS store so for them to earn their VERSAPOINTS.
In order to be safe, first of all, be an example to them. Make sure that what you propose to them you have done it also to yourself. How can you convince if you yourself is not convinced or doing it.
Lastly, just simply motivate them the SFI way. In explaining to ...more
Hello, interesting point of view. Well, I keep it simple and clear - Business is a business, because you have to invest in it. If you don't have time to invest and earn later, you will invest money and the results probably will come sooner. I have already told my team that the business require investment, but of course you should give at least two options - free and paid and explain well what to do in the two ways of making business. Important thing is to give yourself as example - what you buy and what are the benefits fr you when you're EA.
Hello, interesting point of view. Well, I keep it simple and clear - Business is a business, because you have to invest in it. If you don't have time to invest and earn later, you will invest money and the results probably will come sooner. I have already told my team that the business require investment, but of course you should give at least two options - free and paid and explain well what to do in the two ways of making business. Important thing is to give yourself as example - what you buy and ...more
Deposits without Withdrawal sounds unfair and greedy, downline has to be taught a few approach to handling SFI business here, they should know that...
The monthly investment isn't really too much.
There's also a percentage return of invested amount (in multiples) if one understands the great positivity of the duplication practical.
It explains that the nearest future thousands of dollars in view isn't any payment outside the effort one has put.
Whatever amount invested at the initial stage only appears like a commitment fee which is far lesser than the later commissions.
Downline should be made to know too that there isn't any fixed amount to be invested monthly and that his/her team activities determine what would be convenient to achieve the EA status.
Deposits without Withdrawal sounds unfair and greedy, downline has to be taught a few approach to handling SFI business here, they should know that...
The monthly investment isn't really too much.
There's also a percentage return of invested amount (in multiples) if one understands the great positivity of the duplication practical.
It explains that the nearest future thousands of dollars in view isn't any payment outside the effort one has put.
Firstly, when you received sign-ups, explain to them that they can be an affiliate for FREE forever. But you have to also explain to them that being a FREE affiliate does not take them to anywhere. Explain to them that in order to achieve something in SFI they need to move to a higher level, which is an Executive.
Make them understand that to be an Executive they need to put in some amount of investment just like any other business. Just like any other business, if you expect higher return, you need to put in larger investment. They have to understand that in business the concept of Time over Money is always there, especially in SFI.
You can achieve your goal faster with some amount of money invested as compared to doing the business for FREE which will take you a much longer time. Talking about motivating your downline about this,is to tell them do like what you do. So, you must show them you what you did and if they do it is not only for your benefit but also theirs.
Firstly, when you received sign-ups, explain to them that they can be an affiliate for FREE forever. But you have to also explain to them that being a FREE affiliate does not take them to anywhere. Explain to them that in order to achieve something in SFI they need to move to a higher level, which is an Executive.
Make them understand that to be an Executive they need to put in some amount of investment just like any other business. Just like any other business, if you expect higher return, ...more
Thank you for that question.
Most of the opportunities on the internet are affiliate programs. That means that you make a commission on whatever sales you make for the company. That is what TripleClicks is about. The best part of our program is that you are rewarded for your own purchases, too.
SFI is also a business with other income streams. By maintaining EA (executive affiliate) status you will qualify for one of those other income streams. The TripleClicks Executive Pool. Also, as you maintain EA from month to month, you receive CSAs that add to your downline. One of the other income streams is direct commissions from your PSAs and CSAs. The more rank that you maintain with SFI the more benefits and potential income can be earned.
So let's talk about Rank. The first rank to achieve is EA (Executive Affiliate). It requires that you earn 1500VP every month. This is the only rank that can be maintained with a standing order.. Keep these four in balance, VP, RANK , CSA, and PSA when you have this four things you are on the way to success...
Thank you for that question.
Most of the opportunities on the internet are affiliate programs. That means that you make a commission on whatever sales you make for the company. That is what TripleClicks is about. The best part of our program is that you are rewarded for your own purchases, too.
SFI is also a business with other income streams. By maintaining EA (executive affiliate) status you will qualify for one of those other income streams. The TripleClicks Executive Pool. Also, as ...more
Commissions always come from turnover. There has to be some cash-flow to talk about percents & earnings. If the investment side of the equation (time, money, effort, skill...) is zero, the result will be the same amount. Part of nothing is always nothing.
I look at TripleClicks purchases as an investment in business. I gladly invest in TCredits so I can exchange them(directly or indirectly) for PSA, CSA, S-Builder or for almost every item at
For example: buy a New Member Pack and you'll get a whole lot of stuff which gives you a powerful start. Those TCredits, MRPs, EZ Express tokens and winning chances are more than helpful for a newbie.
Invest one time by spending few bucks and you'll "spin the wheel". Invest every month and you will keep it turning. It can be very profitable.
Commissions always come from turnover. There has to be some cash-flow to talk about percents & earnings. If the investment side of the equation (time, money, effort, skill...) is zero, the result will be the same amount. Part of nothing is always nothing.
I look at TripleClicks purchases as an investment in business. I gladly invest in TCredits so I can exchange them(directly or indirectly) for PSA, CSA, S-Builder or for almost every item at
For example: buy a New Member ...more
There are only three alternatives to motivate the downline members. One thing is attending"Daily To Do List" action points without any break if the time is not a limiting factor.. Another thing to purchase/sale any standing order product which maintains his EA status and earns 1500 VP. The third one is he should focus on Affiliate programme. We have to motivate only the person who is likely to drop in the middle by mentioning the above tips. The person who joins with passion and strong determination to continue in SFI need not look others to motivate them to maintain EA status.
Any affiliate after getting a EA rank tends to retain his/her status every month. In that case he has to depend on both Actions points and sales/purchase points in the ratio of 50:50. Single factor alone will never work. It depends upon the person who wish to remain as EA status will do limited sales or purchases only. The persons who is aspirant for top rank will never think about spending money. He think about retaining his status as long as he wish to stay in SFI.
There are only three alternatives to motivate the downline members. One thing is attending"Daily To Do List" action points without any break if the time is not a limiting factor.. Another thing to purchase/sale any standing order product which maintains his EA status and earns 1500 VP. The third one is he should focus on Affiliate programme. We have to motivate only the person who is likely to drop in the middle by mentioning the above tips. The person who joins with passion and ...more
It's not about greed, and most of us get that. Like anything else, the way people take things depends almost entirely on how you say it. I would recommend treating the issue like an investment in their business instead of spending their money so that you make money. As business investments go, $36.25 is a paltry sum. Remind them why they got into the business.
Was it more free time?
was it money for vacations with the family?
Was it to pay off bills?
Was it to improve the overall quality of your life?
Although it takes money to make money, I have never seen a business that takes so little money. Make them see that this is truly an investment not only in their business, but also in their future.
It's not about greed, and most of us get that. Like anything else, the way people take things depends almost entirely on how you say it. I would recommend treating the issue like an investment in their business instead of spending their money so that you make money. As business investments go, $36.25 is a paltry sum. Remind them why they got into the business.
Was it more free time?
was it money for vacations with the family?
Was it to pay off bills?
Was it to improve ...more
The best way to motivate anybody is to through action. Avoid too much talking and little action. Make it the other way round and the effect will be a guarantee. First of all, you yourself have to invest every month and some of your downline members won't have to wait to hear from you, they will follow you automatically.
Emphasizing the benefit of remaining an executive affiliate every month will the first hurdle that you have to jump. Explain the importance of this and don't leave your downline members hanging like that but show the way to achieve that.
The most common way of investing is by creating a standing order worth 1500 versapoints of the most common item in SFI and that is Tcredits. After doing that let everybody know the different ways that Tcredits can be used. You won't need any further explanation.
The best way to motivate anybody is to through action. Avoid too much talking and little action. Make it the other way round and the effect will be a guarantee. First of all, you yourself have to invest every month and some of your downline members won't have to wait to hear from you, they will follow you automatically.
Emphasizing the benefit of remaining an executive affiliate every month will the first hurdle that you have to jump. Explain the importance of this and don't leave your downline ...more
I think that the idea of becoming an EA or better each month would be motivation enough. We all know that after the first month it is extremely difficult to become an EA without purchasing products from TripliClicks. Explain to your downline the advantages of being an EA or better each mpnth and the advantages of having a Standing Order that will generate a minimum of 1500 VP each month. If the affiliate isnew then he/she probably does not know the advantages of Becoming an EA and maintaining the EA status each month. Most of the new affiliates do not understand that at the end of the month that they have to start all over with "0" VP for the month.
I think that the idea of becoming an EA or better each month would be motivation enough. We all know that after the first month it is extremely difficult to become an EA without purchasing products from TripliClicks. Explain to your downline the advantages of being an EA or better each mpnth and the advantages of having a Standing Order that will generate a minimum of 1500 VP each month. If the affiliate isnew then he/she probably does not know the advantages of Becoming an EA and maintaining ...more