Relationship is the way in which two or more people or things are connected, on this basis I will attempt to assess your relationship with SFI and TripleClicks as a promotional strategy to attract prospects by telling them that:
1. SFI creates the platform and provides the structure for you to build your own business, including training materials. This means that the initial cost of setting up your business and some overhead costs associated with the continuous running of your business are avoided. In this regard, your relationship with SFI is not worker-employee, but partner-business or business-2-business (B2B). This type of relationship makes you your own boss, so you work at your own pace, develop your independent business strategy and make your own investment decisions.
2. However, as typical of a two way relationship, your are expected to:
- play by the rules, by respecting and faithfully complying with the tenets of the Affiliate Agreement
-promote SFI in such a way as to attract quality affiliates by building an active downline
-Encouraging duplication in your team, by encouraging, guiding and assisting your team to emulate your success.
3. TripleClicks (TC) is where the actual e-commerce takes place, where you can sell your goods and services, while at the same time you can buy the goods and services of other members, including those of TC. Again, TC provides the platform where e-commerce is transacted, so all you need is to register and list your products and services. TC takes care of order processing and payments, while you just deliver. So you are related to TC just as a shop owner is related to the owners of a shopping mall, except you do not pay some of the expenses associated with a physical store in a mall.
However, a customer-seller relationship exists when you buy TC or ECA products and services because you are treated with dignity and respect of a customer, but with other benefits as an affiliate.
4. As mentioned before in a 2 way relationship TC also expects you to:
- Obey the rules of engagement.
- promote TC and other sellers product and services
- encourage your downline to engage in transfer buying
- desist from behaviours and activities that will bring the reputation of TC to disrepute.
In conclusion, I will add that relationships with SFI and TC are dynamic and there is no one way to establish or define these relationship, but it depends on the type of relationship individuals want to exercise within the broader business framework and opportunities.
Relationship is the way in which two or more people or things are connected, on this basis I will attempt to assess your relationship with SFI and TripleClicks as a promotional strategy to attract prospects by telling them that:
1. SFI creates the platform and provides the structure for you to build your own business, including training materials. This means that the initial cost of setting up your business and some overhead costs associated with the continuous running of your business