Everyone's motivation is different. One person might have what I call "Shiney Object Syndrome"... what does this mean?
Simply put... it is where a person sees a great looking program and is drawn to it and so they join that program.
All well and good... or is it?
The problem arises when that person sees something else that looks even brighter and better. So what do they do?
Yep... you've got it! They sign up to that newer more radiant looking program and forget about the previous one they signed up to. And so the story goes... they hop from one opportunity to another.
Sound familiar?
Another person might be desperate for money. And that's okay. However, their circumstances may be forcing them to get money now. And with the SFI business, this simply doesn't happen.
You have to learn it, work it, learn some more and help people. Then, eventually, you will begin to generate and increase your income.
Others might be action takers, meaning that they will put some effort into their business.
So how do you recognize those action people?
By looking at your Genealogy. In there, when an affiliate first signs up, you will see their Versa Points (VP). Have they got any? If so, are those VPs in the thousands, or hundreds? If so, work with those first. Give them priority as they have already proven that they are prepared to take action.
Then wiggle your way down the list, according to the amount of VPs for each affiliate.
But DO work with the Action Takers FIRST!
They are already motivated. And words of congratulations and encouragement, and some tips thrown in too, will keep on encouraging them.
The way I am doing it is as follows...
* Affiliates with 1,000 VPs or more are first priority. They get the most contact and training from me.
* Affiliates with 300 - 999 VPs or more are second priority. They get regular contact and training from me.
* Affiliates with less than 300 VPs or more are last priority. They get some contact and training from me.
* Affiliates with zero VPs are not prioritized. They get the least contact and training from me.
Remember, people sign up to SFI, and other opportunities, resulting from all sorts of life situations. There's no way of telling who will and who won't be easily motivated. Just follow the above recommendation and see how it goes for you. It's a great place to start from.
And Remember...
Go to your own "To-Do" list in your affiliate center and accumulate those points each day.
Hope you find this helpful!
Everyone's motivation is different. One person might have what I call "Shiney Object Syndrome"... what does this mean?
Simply put... it is where a person sees a great looking program and is drawn to it and so they join that program.
All well and good... or is it?
The problem arises when that person sees something else that looks even brighter and better. So what do they do?
Yep... you've got it! They sign up to that newer more radiant looking